NaNoWriMo 2020

It’s been ages since I’ve posted anything and not just done some minor tinkering on my about page (I hope you’re paying attention to them) and I decided this seemed like a great way to engage a little bit more.

I’m a writer, even when I’m only getting a few words done and 2020 has been a year where I feel like I have tracked more zero days than I have just a few words. So to get a little more work done, I’m going to be participating in NaNoWriMo with a crew of folks from one of my writing groups.

What’s NaNoWriMo you’re asking? NaNoWriMo is short for National Novel Writing Month which is held every November. It started back in 1999 and it’s an opportunity to commit to writing 50,000 words in a month. You can get those 50,000 words however you like, though I have generally tried to get about 1700 words per day and use weekends to get that plus any catch up I need. The event has expanded to have whats known as Camp NaNoWriMo during other points of the year but Nano is an institution in November.

Nano is not about getting the words perfect, which can be hard for some folks. It’s more about hitting the words and committing to editing and making the words beautiful on the other side (I mean this last part, don’t just send the unedited words to everyone you know and some you don’t). It can be fun if you’re doing it with others and its just nice to have something to be accountable to.

So I am going to be accountable for November 2020 and try to get 50k done on a project I’ve been thinking about rewriting for a while. It’s a novel called, for lack of a better project title, Lycanthropy though it is more about gods and godhood.

Lycanthropy follows River, adopted wolf and …something else, as she tries to stay one step ahead of her former pack and becoming a sacrifice that will open the boundaries between the gods world and our own. Trying to help protect her is her new pack, and the woman she’s pretty sure she’s going to spend the rest of her life with.

I’ve written a few versions of Lycanthropy before but I’m looking forward to this round. I’m a different writer than I was years ago. As part of my accountability I’m going to do a weekly post about the process and how things are going. Hopefully its useful to you but also useful to me. I’m generally a pantser, verging on plantser meaning that I don’t plan what I’m going to do exactly or have an outline together to start. I know this world a bit but it always expands in my brain. I say I’m a planster because I have some thoughts about where I want to start and where I want to go but I haven’t written anything down and I like discovering how we’re going to get there.

Anyways, more to come in November. Hope you’re looking forward to it. If you’re doing Nano drop me a line and check in with me. We can be accountability buddies.

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